Railroading: Ralph
Mr. Fitzgerald resumes in series "Railroading".
Why do short narratives involving Railroad/Railroading?
Well, who has done such a thing in fashion-? _And then, why not?
It’s a concept of imagination that goes slight into a subject which could be perceived as historically jaded on its own.
Possibly, when anyone to think of trains thoughts may go towards the stereotypical: occupation, train rides, the enthusiasts with collections of model cars or locomotives… A sex study?
Actually, can what anyone's angle towards trains be inscrutable-?
The “Railroading” series could truly be those entire things. .. “Railroading” may represent in fiction form persons and/or situations in readjusted/adjusted scopes: past, present, and future.
Mr. Fitzgerald digs out from an American economic uprising, discovery of social structures.
The narratives are intentionally in short order to testing ANY one-track minded while delivering to railroading, the railroader, and/or the train enthusiast something neat for the coffee table”…